diamond chef idleon. EquipmentShoes31, chef hat|shoes EquipmentShoes32, laboratory scrubs EquipmentShoes33, sheek scrubsMaestro. diamond chef idleon

 EquipmentShoes31, chef hat|shoes EquipmentShoes32, laboratory scrubs EquipmentShoes33, sheek scrubsMaestrodiamond chef idleon Welcome to Idleon Efficiency Aimed to provide players of the game Legends of Idleon with tools to become more efficient

IIRC cabbage to level 6 and 4 diamond plates gave me the 100 cheese I needed for the chip last time. Try failing the Diamond Chef pull for weeks at ~5-12% to see real blueballing or getting stuck on The Crypt spice battle for months because there aren't 2 defenders anymore until you can unlock def stone/borger. Also unlock as many recipes as you can. NBLB only affects bubbles w1-w3 (the first 15) and this doesnt include diamondchef. exe = The executable that is your console and cheat injector, as the name suggests. but eventually you will want them all. at some point you should consider moving in a few chars into lab. 3 k. so what I recommend: -Shift your focus over to lvling your chars and pushing alchemy. This will be key to massive cooking speeds. W5 - Start gaming/sailing, put all characters on alter to unlock goat, use Mantra until non-lab-rats can use TranQi, then follow Spreadsheet, then fix everything you've been putting off to get here. The most likely issues are the server that is hosting the idleon wiki crashed, or the domain for idleon. Stamps-upgrade cooking efficiency, and cooking stuff , which is like 3 stamps. Unfavorite. WORLD 1 : -all points into weapon power. What I usually recommend is speed 20 ahead of the rest. Not going through all characters but take Neutron Ring from Knird give to Drink over Defender, Same with Deathly Cluster Pendant. Main benefit is for the total damage and cash %, but everything has benefits. diamond chef極致黑金石墨烯鍋具於2023年新品上市,這是劃時代黑科技的誕生。我們相信生命中每個美好的用餐回憶,都是從五感出發最終納於舌尖味蕾的體驗。黑金石墨鍋具有著高硬度耐磨、無所匹敵的熱傳導力、奈米石墨烯層,烹飪過程中少油不易沾黏,陪伴您吃的更健康又不失美味。Looking for a goal to go for. Use afk candies if needed. add more afk gain and efficiency from other sources like cards and the efficiency prayer (first prayer) don't forget to use the efficiency. . This is when the meal plate becomes Diamond Blue, just so you know! Card Champ The Crypt Spice; Trench Seawater +x% Card Drop Chance for all card types, even Party Dungeon cards! Petting The Rift: BlobfishPlay IdleOn for free: Steam (recommended): Chef Beach Docks Spice; Trench Seawater; xx faster Meal and Fire Kitchen Speeds for every Meal at Lv 11+. Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and theorize about how to unlock the super secret areas!. Go to idleon r/idleon. Release Date. . Idleon Beast Master Build Guide (Damage & Breeding) Idleon Blood Berserker Build. . With 38 classes and 600+ unique skills, the possible synergies are endless! Maybe you’ll make a Barbarian Fisherman who catches sea monsters, for your Druid Alchemist. Image. Go to idleon r/idleon •. First: Get the following bubbles to lvl40; 🟡 8 Larry and 🟡 6 undeveloped cost to save money on other bubbles. These are a trap. • Fixed Diamond chef alchemy bubble (necessary for mid/late game cooking progression!), and adjusted its bonus amount. • Fixed an issue wherein Construction Build Rate would be incorrect until you manually checked in on it • Fixed bug where Emerald Pyramite, which gives +% cooking spd based on kitchen lvs, wasnt giving its full bonus. r/idleon • Elite class builds reference cards (from BananaMonkeyTaco & The Frozen Flames Guild guide). My blue Flav vial is at level 8 with a 13. But if I afk at sticks for 24 hours I'll likely get like 6 lol. r/idleon. Farming cards allows you to use the set that gives 5% more credits too. Upgrade all hub skills upgrades form world 1 to world 5. I'm no where near maxed, but the thing about this game is how much there is to do to squeeze more potential and most of the time its just building up your character to be able to do more with it. Will Diamond chef Bubble bonus further increase every 11 lvls? Like when meal hits lvl 22, 33, 44. Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and theorize about how to unlock the super secret areas!. 📈 Target character levels between 120-150. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. This is when the meal plate becomes Diamond Blue, just so you know! Card Champ The Crypt Spice; Trench Seawater +x% Card Drop Chance for all card types, even Party Dungeon cards! Petting The Rift: BlobfishStamps can be unlocked by talking to Mr Pigibank, who appears in the World 1 Town, upon reaching a class level of 12. This is Skill Guide #7 and will focus on the World 4 Skill - Cooking while explaining which stats to acquire, gear to use, and ways to increase your gains. but cabbage is kinda the expected way for early cooking progress, itll psuh you from 0 to your first 11 plates. btw how are you doing with the dungeon's. I went from maybe 4 diamond skulls across W1-3, and after burning candies like they were Trump supporters, finally got my MMan ranked up. Royal Sampler should be. And 5k cabbage will take a fair bit of time to save up for unless you have Diamond Chef. Play IdleOn for free: Steam (recommended): Push those yellow bubbles! Get to diamond chef asap. An Idleon Guide Spreadsheet has just released! - Info on Gems/Obols/Construction/Pets. it was mostly a combination of unlocking the diamond chef bubble in alchemy and making my way through each dish and upgrading them to diamond, and then making sure my stamps were upgraded through lab. . I'd grab 1 more level of Diamond Chef if you can, then let Lithium upgrade the rest. r/idleon. Level it up with beach docks spice. An easy one is card sets. 14x, adding 10 more levels only adds 5% to 1. 12K views 1 year ago. Bubbles: If you dont have them all up to w4(in yellow I would push to diamond chef atleast) do what I just said above. most of these are kind of a pain to unlock, and will take ages past the time you're using iron rings. Most of it comes to increasing efficiency and skilling afkgains in general . theres a pretty large influx of "newer" players asking for profile reviews. r/idleon. Critter9A, diamond duck Critter10, blobfish Critter10A, voodofish Soul1, forest soul Soul2, dune soul. Award. This concludes my (mostly) cooking related review. IMO. Now use the dropdown again, select Stamps. Leia opiniões, compare as avaliações de clientes, veja capturas de tela e saiba mais sobre IdleOn - Idle MMO. Currently working mostly on divinity and a little cooking. 2 k: 39. Basically, its a bit more obvious which talents are attacks, and which are passive bonuses now. Troy have to drop the invite on the ground near them. the claims have a 24h cooldown according to lava himself :) r/idleon. A game about gathering as many resources as possible! Collect diamonds aswell. With row/column cogs pointing to the Squire, forming. I shudder to think how many spices getting up to level 100 card champ, diamond chef, and egg ink will take. Mr massacre and diamond chef are essential bubbles that you should rush, the first one fixes your mob drop issues in printer, the second. thank you very much i thought world 5 was very very hard looking foward to it and regarding the diamond chef i am trying to un lock it but i kinda ignored alchemy early on so yeah Reply More posts you may like. If you have the diamond chef bubble, you want to push all meals to diamond asap (starting from the fastest one), if you don't, focus on getting more speed. I was stuck on Frosty Peaks for so long but thanks to Borger I was able to beat it and Tundra Outback easily. Go to idleon r/idleon. Reply More posts you may like. My previous best was lvl 35. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. so im at the last map in world 4 1 map away from the boss room and im gonna get there in about 45 hours i just want to make sure i have the best start to world 5 so what would you suggest i work on and what should i do in world 5 and how do i get more damage. Cooking is a World 4 skill that allows you to create various Meals that give various permanent buffs. 2x cooking speed your cooking speed is 1000m/hr my speed after killing myself 200k/hr :) instead of multiplicative -- this only really affects those few with multi-million dmg. Diamond Chef Beach Docks Spice; Trench Seawater; xx faster Meal and Fire Kitchen Speeds for every Meal at Lv 11+. ShoutOut. It i. Investing more heavily in the Blood Marrow talent will pay dividends Finish those Zow stacks! Hope this helps! Reply More posts you may like. Push to W5 using DK/ES if active or BB if afk (afk candies work great for this) Shacuracy/FMJ should be lvl 40, bubbles 1&2 should be lvl 70, unlock bubble 17. 53 New Content :froge: New Trapping Minigame -- Pen Pals! The rewards for playing are very. 18 w4 skills seem ok. Some of the most important ones for boosting cooking speed are things like reduced kitchen upgrade costs, new recipe cooking speed, and so on. If you have spare gems, upgrading this cauldron to rush Diamond Chef is worthwhile imo. True, also for unlocking new spice areas. You can most easily access this card by doing the path to Snake 2 boss. r/idleon. This is when the meal plate becomes Diamond Blue, just so you know! Card Champ The Crypt Spice; Trench Seawater +x% Card Drop Chance for all card types, even Party Dungeon cards! Petting The Rift: BlobfishType: Ring Defence: 10 Misc: 400 Cooking Efficncy Upgrade Slots: 2For cooking: - focus on Cabbage -> Diamond Chef -> Stamps/BB For breeding see strategies on Spreadsheet. 6 x2: => 40 func: => decayMulti description: => {x faster Meal and Fire Kitchen Speeds for every Meal at Lv 11+. Get another level or two on both Cabbage and Dango immediately, with more soon following. 26K subscribers in the idleon community. Sailing is currently one of the most important skills in Idleon, as the artifacts give insane bonuses to all aspects of the game. 5. Diamond Chef Beach Docks Spice; Trench Seawater; xx faster Meal and Fire Kitchen Speeds for every Meal at Lv 11+. Diamond Demon Horns +1 All Stats: 7: 3,000 Gems ($15. These pets have various Genetics to either Fight, Forage, or some Special actions. Cards. General accountfor alchemy, bubbles 2, 9 and 14. 2 k: 39. Diamond Chef - 1. If the key alchemy bubbles are getting very expensive (or if anything is getting expensive, like the refinery or crafting gear), it might be better to spend some days/weeks/etc. Created by. tv/zesteeThis nutritious meal reminds me of the Mashed Potato monster from IdleOn, the video game! Mutton: 1% Crit Chance: Yeap I tell you hwat Bobby, this is a real man's meal right here!. You might need 5-10 more levels on your Diamond Chef, but I am quite confident you can put your cooking speed into the Qs or QQs this week if you have the irl effort for it. paulrhino69 • 1 yr. 25% are the reward for defeating round 5 in the arena / pet battles. VMan's Blood Marrow. 12: Diamond 2: 66. So you'd need a 51% cost reduction, which isn't possible at the moment. I'm a couple alchemy bubbles away from Diamond Chef. This is when the meal plate becomes Diamond Blue, just so you know! Card Champ The Crypt Spice; Trench Seawater +x% Card Drop Chance for all card types, even Party Dungeon cards! Petting The Rift: BlobfishGo to idleon r/idleon • by. These are some of the tips that I think everyone should know in Legends of IdleOn. is this good? It's not ideal since if you are skilling you don't need mob respawn and vice versa. This is an abridged version of course, but it's the general idea of what's going on. Use afk candies if needed. Showing 1 - 3 of 3 comments. Reply More posts you may like. I would not go for platinum since it does not give a bonus. Namjies Online Category: Classes. Unlock all elite classes. modified by any droprate boosts you have. png Spice 1: => 4x Trench Seawater🥇 Unlock every elite class. its more important to have a bit of everything than to grind 1 specific thing usually. • Fixed Diamond chef alchemy bubble (necessary for mid/late game cooking progression!), and adjusted its bonus amount. comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. I've been trying to get Diamond Chef at an ~8% chance per pull for weeks with over 100 new bubble P2W and 142 Bubble Breakthrough. ago. For breeding follow the spreadsheet, neglecting breeding will slowdown cooking, so make sure you don’t neglect it. I've been using all the water since I got to world 2 but it's really slow. There are some items such as Cooking Clogs and Chef Ring s that can give you bonus Cooking Efficiency or. r/idleon • Hate it new pet system. WORLD 2 : - start working on unlocking post office asap. It's now 2023, and development is indeed still continuing! I have launched World 3, 4, and 5, with 6/7/8 coming out over the next years!IdleOn - The Idle MMO - Early Access Development:About the GameCreate archers, mages, warriors, and even SECRET classes, as you work toward unlocking new features! You do all the Min-Max'ing while they do the Grinding! I'm LavaFlame2, and I have been working on IdleOn since January 2020, over 3. #1. getting triple refinery and free alchemy lvls will speed up your account progress noticeably over time. His testers told him that when he pushed diamond chef at 2. For Breeding follow Spreadsheet. BRANDON FROHNE grew up on schnitzels—not on biscuits. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. Your other characters will be stuck in the lab, and sample materials for the 3D printer. Fix as many of your dashboard alerts as possible. initial w4 guide: 1 throw people in lab until the nodes that give free alch lvls and refinery lvls. If you do this on all 9 chars you get 234 ladles/day, and is almost 10 days of cooking progress for 1 day afk on all chars. 7K views 2 months ago. This is when the meal plate becomes Diamond Blue, just so you know! And last thing, would you recommend i use the auto fill forge? Because i have it unlocked, just don’t have it active. Got a diamond honker today from the 1st dungeon. Image. bunies. Gem shop. Recently iv noticed that the more diamond plated meals I have for diamond chef, the faster my fire speed Is getting, I assume the best way to progress is to push all to diamond. Play IdleOn for free: Steam. 18 w4 skills seem ok. ago. while working at u/Bob8372's notes specially cooking speed/dmg meals breeding and lab, remember that main stats are pushing dmg allot more than before specially with 4 tab jobs. Stamps give account-wide bonuses, which can be leveled with Coins and many. 📈 Target character levels between 120-150. Unlock Diamond Chef (yellow bubble) and level to ~15-25 asap. The biggest thing that helped is leveling the Diamond Chef bubble and getting all my meals to level 11. r/idleon • This is the greatest moment of my life. Will probably dump all guys to divinity/lab after getting splicer recipes and craft void gear for. A regular premium hat has 5 slots and the demon horns have 7. Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and theorize about how to unlock the super secret areas!. Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and theorize about how to unlock the super secret areas!. Crazy strong. Unlock all elite classes. wait for map2 and use them for fishing and bugcatching. I've played for quite a while and I've always had the habit of over focusing one aspect and I've realized I've left a few underworked. Also hope you enjoyed the video. isendil. For being in w5 already, your cooking isn't doing good. Cook those cabbages. . For cooking: - focus on Cabbage -> Diamond Chef -> Stamps/BB. Use the 90 percent tag to upgrade the diamond chef . Fixed an issue wherein Construction Build Rate would be incorrect until you manually checked in on it; Fixed bug where Emerald Pyramite, which gives +% cooking spd based on kitchen lvs, wasnt giving its full bonus. 6 x2: => 40 func: => decayMulti description: => {x faster Meal and Fire Kitchen Speeds for every Meal at Lv 11+. Your call. 9 k: 106. 9 k: 106. 02x multiplier, adding 10 levels increases this by 12% to 1. all 4 slots need to be filled on yellow. 9 k: 106. In P2W the cap is the number it says on the cauldron before clicking iirc. Most of your characters don't have one equipped and that is a quick boost. these are the 2 bonuses that truely scale in cooking and what people should invest in. Legends of Idleon. . For cooking: - focus on Cabbage -> Diamond Chef -> Stamps/BB. This is when the meal plate becomes Diamond Blue, just so you know! Card Champ The Crypt Spice; Trench Seawater +x% Card Drop Chance for all card types, even Party Dungeon cards! Petting The Rift: BlobfishGo to idleon r/idleon • by. Damage bubbles and stamps are super under leveled. Get your squire into amarok everything except helmet, get gold. your buba needs to actively farm as much as possible while inside of the yellow cauldron along with the whoever has the highest alchemy lvls. For Cooking, getting your breeding going is key, and getting the Diamond Chef bubble unlocked is key. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. By the time you get to W4 you will want to have bubble 18 (Diamond Chef) unlocked asap (preferably within 1-2 weeks). Sign in with social Use this if you signed into Legends of Idleon using Google or Apple. You just have generic skill efficiency and XP cards to use, and those are the same whether you use food or not. KhazM. This includes first unlocking all recipes up to your current spice, and then working on each one to lvl 11, before doubling back and unlocking up to lvl 22 (or beyond). Thanks! I made fixes based on what you said, but I’m worrying over how long Diamond Chef seems to be away. . Diamond Chef; Money gain bubbles; Construction You want to have a Squire in the middle of a square all pointing to your Squire. Happy to run through this in greater detail (cooking is my favorite skill, though it feels the least impactful a lot of times. 🍲 For cooking, follow the priority list: Cabbage > Diamond Chef > Stamps/BB > VMan. Archers are your best bet for W2/3, as jhcreddit suggests. And last thing, would you recommend i use the auto fill forge? Because i have it unlocked, just don’t have it active. 3def (3 seperate chain stats listed) basic atk spd 4% drop chance 3%, basic atk spd 3/3% (total 6%), atk spd 3% total dmg. You can equip the cranium cooking bubble and start to speed up your alchemy. lilstick88 • 3 yr. W4. 5. This will boost cabbage and diamond chef bonus. Crystal Mobs are one of the most important elements of exp in the mid->late->end game. View community ranking In the Top 5% of largest communities on Reddit. r/AmericanHorrorStory •. Spend those spices on your kitchen upgrades (very important) to unlock the next spice and then unlock cabbage asap (very impactful). Get your squire into amarok everything except helmet, get gold. r/idleon. granted all. Is the chef ring still worse than serrated rex ring for cooking? My warrior is almost done with his apocalypse chowing, and I'm getting ready to lean into cooking. Theres not really much that comes to maxing out cooking efficiency. Accuracy is the primary limiting factor, damage will come a bit easier and is ever growing. This is when the meal plate becomes Diamond Blue, just so you know! Card Champ The Crypt Spice; Trench Seawater +x% Card Drop Chance for all card types, even Party Dungeon cards! Petting The Rift: BlobfishFocus on breeding levels not pet power. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. 3 With your left over chars send them out into the world to work on stuff you didnt have enough time to do. Unlocking all recipes. 3 k. Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and theorize about how to unlock the super secret areas!. And Bubble 18 in Yellow is Diamond Chef, which is a huge driver of Cooking Speed. Once you get diamond chef in alchemy you will get a decent boost in speed. Lava has said that if you do you may be missing out on some classes down the road when the second branch (the alternative choice to the ones just added) are put in. Along with this, lab and divinity seems to have a hold on most of my characters and feels as though I shouldn't touch them again unless needed for rift or to level. Void plate chef is good, at lvl 2 I am getting 209% multiplicitive speed bonus. 25K subscribers in the idleon community. You can use idleonwiki and go to the post office / calculator -> put in some points like 100, 200, 300 and 400 and then use them ingame in the most efficient way. See other notes here. A complete guide to increasing your gains. ago • Edited 10 mo. I've also booked up bubble breakthrough on my bubo and he is the only one that's been used to upgrade bubbles. So if you kill 20-40k moons in an afk session, you have a very high chance for a ghost at 20k,i think 100% but not sure, and a 100% chance for 2 at 40k. With my bowman working on death note, and my journeyman & second squire working towards the w3 boss. I would try to explain but Amarok will be your best best until Efuant or Dementia gear. - post office: not a bad idea to put all points into first box (civil war) for now, complete orders to your. I need to start collecting honkers, but I am unable to finish the Bunny You Should Say That quest. 1 comment. Having duplicates of the same subclasses right now. This is when the meal plate goes Diamond, just so you know. Liquid has a cap but this can be increased with various. It doesn't take a genius to understand that 2. Go to idleon r/idleon. how should i go about world 5. in your idleon efficiency link diamond chef bubble give 260x cooking speed but mine with almost same level gives 1. Donut Clicker was developed by Seyloj. Thank you, the extra advice of indivual tables is very helpful. 4% Mob Respawn. See strategies on Spreadsheet. #legandsofidleon #Legand. • Added a small description to the Arcade Shop, showing which. 2 Buba farming: We have 1 clear goal here, reach diamond chef ASAP. Diamond 1: 24. I think it was x1 or x2 droprate of the item, so if you go look on the wiki or in game, ghosts are 1/20k droprate. - Meel's Crypt - Defeat Boops. They give +5 in a stat of your choice (str/agi/wis/luk). Learn important things like; cards, minigames, merits, the solution to unclear quests, guild mechanics, and much more! #3. Diamond 1: 24. Cooking: Keep leveling Cabbage (level to 5-7 unless Diamond Chef gets unlocked sooner) Unlock Diamond Chef (next yellow bubble) and level to. Requirements 0: => 100xFile:Spice. Legends of Idleon - Final meal for Diamond Chef and Boulder 50/50. Thats how u push cooking . For cooking: - focus on Cabbage -> Diamond Chef -> Stamps/BB. 🌍 Transition to W5 using DK/ES (active) or BB (AFK). Chef on the Run has been operating in Victoria for over 40 years. You have Wode Board unlocked! That's great! You could improve your spice production substantially (I estimate 5-10x what you have now) by following a strategy as suggested in this Spreadsheet. Cooking is about unlocking Cabbage (rush to 7), which requires decent breeding, and then Diamond Chef, which requires decent alchemy. Diamond Chef Beach Docks Spice; Trench Seawater; xx faster Meal and Fire Kitchen Speeds for every Meal at Lv 11+. The Elf Twist Ring must be purchased first for 20 Đ and then the Rex Rings can be purchased for 80 Đ each. Collecting the same card will level it up and the bonus will go up. No room on the Dance Floor! Win the 2nd party game! Party Points: > 1400. One thing I'd add is Skilled Dimwit should not be a permanent prayer. Get all character levels to 120-150. - The Office - Defeat Dr Defecaus. • 2 yr. From there, your cooking speed should be much faster and you can work towards getting all available meals to lvl11+. 4569 posts Page 87 of 305. its stupid how much that bubble boost your cooking speed. I unlocked the Orange recipe by using the Encroaching Forest, Twilight Desert, The Crypt and Frosty Peaks spice combination which only has a . Play IdleOn for free: Steam (recommended): of Idleon is a 2d MMO Idle game, where you create your own Guild! It's your job to specialize them to make MAD synergies, and progress faster to new content!. Legends of Idleon. Liquids can be used to upgrade alchemy bubbles, vials, buy things in the liquid shop or upgrade the liquid cauldron. I'm saving up my atoms to get the next snail purchase for the collider since my snail is lvl 14 and I'm working on the cooking purchase for the collider as well. For legs you want dementia or efaunt, im personally going for efaunt. Probably could double your damage in a couple weeks if you focus on that. This skill is getting this section defined because it is the first of it's kind in this game. The new Sula. ----- Legends of Idleon ----- Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and theorize about how to unlock the super secret areas!. Un modeste guide (en cours de traduction) pour " Legend of Idleon " a destination des nouveau joueurs ! Guide original créer par waktu#6400 et Sangy#5166, traduit par Tyfvgh#7973, HublotBleu#7578, Spleenftw#0573, LuZoG#4711. Quality Improvements: • Better art for the Grasslands in World 1. This is when the meal plate becomes Diamond Blue, just so you know! Card Champ The Crypt Spice; Trench Seawater +x% Card Drop Chance for all card types, even Party Dungeon cards! Petting The Rift: BlobfishYou're looking to get to Diamond Chef in the yellow cauldron. I decided to switch since i am in need of fish and I am getting zows, but I just see more benefits in a second barb also since I dont have the diamond chef, and im still relatively far from getting it I think the extra ladles will be usefull in the long run ig I just have to wait and see how things turn out I will ofc switch again at some point when my cooking becomes. Liquid has a cap but this can be increased with various alchemy upgrades. Reniath • 3 yr. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. Legends Of Idleon. Curious what people's opinions are here. putting 10x into kitchen might be close but it'll be close even thenIn early w4 your objective should be to get decent samples before dumping in your chars to lab. 1 . And the 5k Cabbage is only half of a level 10 plate (if you don't have Diamond Chef unlocked yet, this might be pretty hard). Diamond Chef Beach Docks Spice; Trench Seawater; xx faster Meal and Fire Kitchen Speeds for every Meal at Lv 11+. Business Hours. Diamond Chef Beach Docks Spice; Trench Seawater; xx faster Meal and Fire Kitchen Speeds for every Meal at Lv 11+. The biggest thing that helped is leveling the Diamond Chef bubble and getting all my meals to level 11. on increasing the power of your account so that you can print more resources. 15% Class EXP when fighting actively. It takes a lot of different elements working together to push your damage high but you can set your sights on a few things at a time. Just keep. I'm LavaFlame2, and I have been working on IdleOn since January 2020, over 3. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. Upgrading cabbage asap is the biggest difference. EquipmentShoes31, chef hat|shoes EquipmentShoes32, laboratory scrubs EquipmentShoes33, sheek scrubs EquipmentRings24, lab rang EquipmentRings25, chef ring CardPack5, galaxy card packThe efaunt chest is a given since it gives a mastery boost while the other chests dont give any boost, and is similar to dementia. 380/3/50 hz, or single-phase v. Diamond Chef; Money gain bubbles; Construction You want to have a Squire in the middle of a square all pointing to your Squire. You have a lot of cooking recipes mission, bit st least you have diamond chef alchemy unlocked so grats in that one. In early w4 your objective should be to get decent samples before dumping in your chars to lab. A complete guide to increase your gains. For ur cooking , u want to keep upgrading the diamond chef , so only upgrade with 90 percent bargain. 00) Giftmas Tree +1 All Stats +10% XP from Monsters: 5: $9. Cinnamon join the formation. Monster Card gives information about the monster and their drop table. Subscribe. ago. Unlock all elite classes Get all character levels to 120-150 Put characters in the lab (after leveling), goal is all features unlocked by reaching the last one For cooking: - focus on Cabbage -> Diamond Chef -> Stamps/BB -> VMan For breeding see strategies on Spreadsheet. Go to idleon r/idleon • by. WORLD 1 : -all points into weapon power. Requirements 0: => 100xFile:Spice. Kripthmaul • 3 yr. its stupid how much that bubble boost your cooking speed. Worship on all characters, youre gunna be salt locked and soul starved for. Complete Sailing Guide (with best strategies) Contents Show. The Skilled Dimwit Prayer gives +30% Skill Efficiency but -30% Skill EXP. This is when the meal plate becomes Diamond Blue, just so you know! Card Champ The Crypt Spice; Trench Seawater +x% Card Drop Chance for all card types, even Party Dungeon cards! Petting The Rift: BlobfishLaboratory (or Lab) is a World 4 skill that gives you the option to "upload" your characters into the mainframe. For those of you who have forgotten, Strung Jewels are sold in. Showing 1. 83 - Springtime Seasonal Event • Vman's Cooking talent now displays the actual bonus it gives, and yes, its a BIG number. Then work on the points for mats. If yoy have the rings, do the eff prayer, card set, cards, etv and you get to 2x multi, your ladles also get 2x multi. Some. Silkrode Software. Unlocking Nutto will be the next big boost in your spices/arena. Many attempts at a low % ate better than waiting days for a slightly better %. ~~ These were old numbers I forgot he just changed it. Focus on cabbage and getting as many plates as possible to diamond. Player Requests •. However, finding those artifacts can be extremely slow and confusing, so we will attempt to give you all the information you need to get those ancient. Currently just got all the diamond chef things going and my sad sad cooking speed just hit over a mil. Phone. (Be sure to upgrade using the appropriate class and close/re-open alchemy in between upgrades to bubble 2/15/17). Go to the gear section. Show off cool items you've found, discuss the best builds for each class, and theorize about how to unlock the super secret areas!. You might be referring to something like this guide, which is awesome! And yes, W5 did change the rules on that a bit, but only a bit (makes.